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Sunday, 8 September 2013

Smiling Sunday (Things I love #11)

1.Wedding flowers-
My friend got married last weekend in a beautiful simple ceremony.  She did the floral arrangements herself for the table decorations and very kindly said that eveyone could take the flowers home.  Lovely and so pretty!

2.Cute wedding decorations-
Also from the recent wedding, these little birds with tiny feathers were on the tables, soooo cute! The photo doesn't quite show how tiny they are, they are each about as big as a 1p!
Inspired by 'The Ring'- Image via Sandra Holmbom
Inspired by 'Alice in Wonderland'- Image via Sandra Holmbom
Image via Sandra Holmbom
3.Eye art by Sandra Holmbom- I recently bought this month's Company magazine and there was a page about this awesome make-up artist from Sweden. She is extremely talented and I love her amazing designs.  I'm astonished that someone can create such detail in such tiny pieces of work!  You can see more on her blog

4.Fresh blackberries, little bubbles of sweetness! It seems to be the right time of year for collecting blackberries from our garden. They are delicious, I have been dipping into them all week from our fridge.

5.Jam! My mum had loads of blackberries so decided to make some blackberry and apple jam.  I'm not the world's biggest jam fan but this is pretty good!

6. Vintage Bakelite Autophone-
I spotted this in a charity shop this week and couldn't resist! I love retro telephones and appear to be accumulating a small collection... It needs converting to be in full working order but lovely to look at, if nothing else!
Image via The Guardian
7.Tribe- Bruce Parry
This week I saw a great documentary as part of the 'Tribe' series with Bruce Parry.  This episode featured the people of the island of Aneuta, near the Soloman Islands, a population of around 250 people.  It was a fascinating programme which gave a real insight into the day-to-day lives of the local community and showed how Bruce interacted with them and attempted to follow their traditions.  It was amazing to see a tribe like this still exists within such modern times.  There are of course, some drawbacks to their island paradise which Bruce explores in the episode. You can find out more information from the BBC webpage.  The episode is available on BBC Iplayer until Tues 10th Sept if you live in the UK.

 8. Anything could happen by Ellie Goulding.  I still love her voice and I think she has made so many great tracks.

9. After the Fall by Kodaline. I uploaded this for free from Itunes a couple of months ago and recently started listening to it.  It feels quite anthemic and dramatic!

What has made you smile this week?

Peebreeks xx

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