1. Black studded handbag |
I bought this way back in May but haven't featured it yet! I bought it from Topshop in Swindon, it was half-price in the sale; £20 reduced from £40, it isn't leather. I love it.
2. This book by Emma Koenig. |
3. Chris Evans' 2nd book |
4. My new shoes! |
I bought these this week, they are made by Bussola and are the in the shade 'tan'. I bought them in the sale in Mastershoe. They are real leather and I bought them for £19.99 reduced from £45.99.
5.Flaws by Bastille: I know this has been around for ages but I go through phases of listening to things non-stop, then forgetting about them, then rediscovering them! Beautiful lyrics and I love the tones of Dan Smith's voice.
6.That's the Way- Led Zeppelin. I came across this on the soundtrack to Almost Famous (love that film!) and often play it when I'm out for a stroll! It seems like such a warm summery song.
7. That kiss!!! (Nick and Jess in New Girl.) Via Tumblr |
Via Tumblr |
via Tumblr |
I know this all aired agggges ago in the USA but it has only been shown in the UK over the last few weeks and I can't believe I haven't put it on my blog sooner! I am a hopeless romantic, hence several pictures/video clips for this tension-kicking moment.
I maintain that 'I meant something like that' has got to be one of the best screen lines after a kiss, ever!!
P.S. I'm a little bit in love with Nick Miller at the moment.. Yes, I am fully aware he is a fictitious character.
8. Daisy ring |
The nail varnish I'm wearing in this photo is 028 'Minted' by Revlon.
9. Cherries fan |
What has made you smile this week?
Peebreeks xx
I just adored that kiss and the way they ended New Girl. I can't wait for the new season to come back on!