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Sunday, 1 September 2013

Smiling Sunday! (Things I love #10)

Hope you are all well, this week seems like a bit of a catch-up of things I meant to post a longggg time ago but never got around to. Hope you like it :)

1. Black studded handbag

I bought this way back in May but haven't featured it yet! I bought it from Topshop in Swindon, it was half-price in the sale; £20 reduced from £40, it isn't leather.  I love it.

2. This book by Emma Koenig.
  I bought this a few months ago from Urban Outfitters.  It is a really funny book with cute illustrations and I think a lot of us can relate to the messages about day-to-day life as a supposed adult!

3. Chris Evans' 2nd book
This week I read 'Memoirs of a Fruitcake' by Chris Evans.  I listen to him on Radio 2 sometimes, but am by no means a massive fan and thought he seemed pretty arrogant back in the day but I found this book brutally honest.  I think he admits his faults openly, has faced a lot of his demons and makes a point of showing affection for the people who have truly meant something to him in his life so far. I find him to be very witty and the book was hard to put down!

4. My new shoes!

I bought these this week, they are made by Bussola and are the in the shade 'tan'.  I bought them in the sale in Mastershoe.  They are real leather and I bought them for £19.99 reduced from £45.99.

5.Flaws by Bastille: I know this has been around for ages but I go through phases of listening to things non-stop, then forgetting about them, then rediscovering them! Beautiful lyrics and I love the tones of Dan Smith's voice.

6.That's the Way- Led Zeppelin.  I came across this on the soundtrack to Almost Famous (love that film!) and often play it when I'm out for a stroll! It seems like such a warm summery song.
7. That kiss!!! (Nick and Jess in New Girl.)
Via Tumblr
Via Tumblr
via Tumblr

 I know this all aired agggges ago in the USA but it has only been shown in the UK over the last few weeks and I can't believe I haven't put it on my blog sooner!   I am a hopeless romantic, hence several pictures/video clips for this tension-kicking moment.
I maintain that 'I meant something like that' has got to be one of the best screen lines after a kiss, ever!!

P.S. I'm a little bit in love with Nick Miller at the moment.. Yes, I am fully aware he is a fictitious character.
If you haven't seen the kiss you can check it out above (via Youtube), just ignore the cheesy reporters, sorry!

8. Daisy ring
Got this cute hand-made ring when I went to Sidmouth Folk Festival recently. It's relatively simple and made from Fimo but I think it's fun for summer. For more info check out her collection on flickr or contact
The nail varnish I'm wearing in this photo is 028 'Minted' by Revlon.

9. Cherries fan
Saw this cherries fan in a shop window while I was away in Barcelona.  So cute for keeping cool! It was quite pricey though :(

What has made you smile this week?

Peebreeks xx

1 comment:

  1. I just adored that kiss and the way they ended New Girl. I can't wait for the new season to come back on!
