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Sunday, 10 February 2013

Smiling Sunday! (Things I love #6)

Such a lovely week- gig, birthday, meal, party... Lots of things making me smile.....
 Last Saturday, I organised and hosted a charity music event at a local venue which went really well, great music from local musicians and we raised around £250 for local charity PAC- Positive Action on Cancer.  I had a brilliant night, played my first ever solo set on guitar and was so overwhelmed by the amount of support for the event.  Thank you to everyone who came, or supported me xxxx
This morning's fry up with my best friend- Perfection! So yummy for a Sunday brekkie :)
This scene from Lost in Translation, one of my favourite films. The music is Lost in Kyoto by Air. Picture quality not brilliant :(  Via gangasensei

Wagamama has been my favourite restaurant for a while now and I was lucky enough to go this week- I had the veggie gyoza and delicious veggie Pad Thai. Yummmmm...
New quick dry nail varnish from Marks and Spencer-  shade is 'Granite'.  
Not tested on animals, BUAV approved :)

Amazing unicorn cushion which my best friend made for me :)

Lovely rose scented candle from Marks and Spencer- really glowy and pretty.   BUAV approved :)
Managed to get these old ordnance survey maps in an antique shop for a quid each.  I went to uni in Aberystwyth and would love to attempt to make some map candles.

Beautiful flowers from my family :)

The new H & M ad featuring David Beckham.  Enough said really... :) Via worldspotlights Hope you have all had a great week.  Peebreeks xxx

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