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Saturday, 25 August 2012

The night I drank 3 litres of water...

Last night, I went to the Zumba masterclass in the Cheese and Grain in Frome.  The masterclass was with Nick Logrea who is part of the original Zumba dance team and later, 7 local instructors led their own classes.   I usually go to Zumba toning once a week and Zumba fitness once/twice a week.

It was a great turn-out, I estimate maybe 300/400 people!  Lots of fluorescent Zumbawear!  My ticket was £12 but it was well worth it.  I did 3 hours of Zumba and there was a disco afterwards-I was exhausted by this point so didn't stay! :)  

It started with some warm-up routines by local instructors which were great and got the crowd hyped up.  The crowd were a mix of ages and abilities and there seemed to be something that everyone could join in with. 
I took a towel and 2 large (750ml) bottles of water, but also drank more bottled water that was provided by the Cheese and Grain, and a juice afterwards.  Everyone was sweating buckets.  It was very hot and I recommend taking breaks from some dances/routines, especially if you have low blood pressure like me!

The masterclass with Nick was fairly intense but good fun.  The routines from local instructors were fantastic as well, easy to follow but a good workout. I really enjoyed myself, I didn't really know what to expect, having never been to a Zumba masterclass before!   As a muscly young man, Nick appealed to the ladies (and men!) in the crowd!!  He used a mix of more complicated moves/ footwork with the basic Zumba moves.  He later decided to take his shirt off, to many squeals and cheers of approval from the crowd of adoring women!  

My trainers were ready for the bin last week but I thought I might get a bit more use out of them.  BAD IDEA! The inner sole was coming away and my left foot was aching at the end of it all. Ah well, no pain, no gain!  Hmm, I fancy shopping for  some funky high-tops.  Yes I was born in the 80's...

When I got there, I was asked to sign a health waiver then was given a free cloth bag when I signed up to the mailing list, which will come in handy for carrying my toning sticks, water bottle and towel to Zumba toning! :)

It was a fun night and the Cheese and Grain was a great venue for the event, lots of space and a bar and water provided.  I did notice several people getting boxes of chips after the masterclass, which to me, seemed to slightly defeat the purpose of going to a Zumba fitness masterclass but maybe that's just me!  Don't get me wrong, it was tiring and I know the venue can't change its whole menu just for one event and a lot of people would have needed an evening meal so I can understand, kind of...Can't say I wasn't tempted myself though.. Haha!

Zumbawear was on sale in the entrance hall, some in the sale.  I went for a couple of tops in the sale, reduced to £15 each, which isn't cheap but good price for Zumbawear.  I have mixed feelings about Zumbawear; I think it looks good in moderation (head to toe neon is not really my thing!) but some products could be bought cheaper elsewhere, you are paying purely for the Zumba logo (e.g. headbands, sweatbands, drinks bottles). 

However, the tops and trousers are more realistic, as you would pay a 'fair' bit for a branded sports top anyway.  Needless to say,  I bought a turquoise/aqua racerback vest with gold edging and pockets (?).  If anyone knows why a Zumba top has pockets, let me know!! Sweat band/ bracelet storage??  Who knows?! 

I also chose a blue casual slouch top, which is really comfy.  There was no changing area to try anything on and the mirror was placed pretty low, which if you're 6'1, isn't ideal:)  

In the end, I went for the M size as this corresponds to a UK 10-12.  It was quite chaotic as everyone was diving into the sale rail!   It was very busy with lots of women looking at different clothing, I think a few more mirrors would have been a good idea.

Really enjoyed the event and hope to attend the next one (Zumbathon in December), am also in the process of booking my Zumba Basic 1 training  so that I could be an instructor :)  Yay!! 

Peebreeks xx

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